Director of Education Award - for Academic Perseverance
To access the electronic application form, click here: Link added March 5, 2024
Due: March 24, 2024
One graduate in each High School will be selected. A bursary of $1,500 will be issued.
Criteria: Student selected for consideration of the award should: * has demonstrated perseverance throughout his/her secondary education, in order to achieve academic success: * has persevered in the completion of all the requirements for obtaining an OSSD, including the community service component * has demonstrated courage and determination while facing and overcoming adversity (meant to recognize those students who may not, necessarily, be awarded one of other top awards availalbe, but who has obviously persevered through personal or academic hardships to obtain his/ her best academic results in order to graduate.)
************************************************************************************** Requirements: * a completed application form * essay outling how you fit the criteria (Be sure to CLEARLY demonstrate your perseverance.) * any additional requirements listed
Incomplete application will not be considered. Winners are chosen by the school award committe.