To access the electronic application form, click here: Link will be added. We are waiting to hear if award is being offered this year.
Due: TBD
One award will be given to a graduating student who has demonstrated dedication in volunteering at school, church, or in the community and has positively impacted the community by volunteering his/ her time.
One graduate in the board will be selected. A bursary of $500 will be issued.
Has directly benefited community members who access Shepherds of Good Hope services (e.g. volunteering at Shepherds of Good Hope through your school, food drives specifically for Shepherds of Good Hope, making sandwiches specifically for Shepherds of Good Hope etc., third party events that directly benefit Shepherds of Good Hope).
Has positively impacted the community by volunteering their time at school or in the community.
Has completed all the requirements for obtaining an OSSD
Completed application form - signed by Principal or Designate
Brief description of your volunteer activities as they relate to the community members who access Shepherds of Good Hope services, along with other volunteer activities that demonstrate a commitment to volunteerism at the community level.
Incomplete applications will not be considered. A candidate will chosen by the school award committe and forwarded to Shepherds of Good Hope. Winners are chosen by their committee.