To access the electronic application form, click here: Link added March 5, 2024
Due: March 24, 2024
A bursary of $700 will be awarded to one graduating student from the Ottawa Catholic School Board.
Criteria: To be selected a student must (have): Graduating students who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in their OYAP. Applicants must have completed all of the requirements for obtaining an OSSD, including the community service component
Particular focus, but without limiting such focus, will be given to students who: * Have demonstrated special dedication to pursuing a career in the skilled trades; * Have attained outstanding achievement in the view of their employers and cooperative education teachers; * Have demonstrated a well-rounded achievement in their education and community involvement; * Have attained outstanding achievement in the context of economic, cultural or social barriers.
************************************************************************************** Requirements: * a completed application form * any additional requirements listed
Incomplete application will not be considered. Winners are chosen by the school award committee.